Men who bedwet

Don't tell anyone, I am embarrased. Sound familiar? Yep, but most men wet the bed at some time in their life, from a small child through to adolecense and into teens and adult hood. Stress is the biggest cause, especially when as teens you are facing exams. But sometimes this can continue into adult life. Many try to hide it but few succeed. It is not shamefull. It is a natural part of the body and mind. Some men sleep soundly especially after a few beers down the pub and do not wake up when nature takes its course. We can overcome this embarrasment, we just have to take responsibility of our shortcommings.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Are you a bedwetter?

Many men are bedwetters. Many are ashamed and say nothing but live with their affliction, mindfull of the consequences should others find out. But these men need not be so secretive. It is not a problem than cannot be overcome and many men can still find a life long partner who will accept and help them with their problem.

I am such a man, a bedwetter and for a time secretive of my problem and kept it hidden. I am a skinhead and skinheaads don't wet the bed. Then I bought a computer and found a whole world of men with the same problem as I had. Being gay I was retisent to sleep with a guy in case I wet the bed so kept my contact to casual quick sex. The computer allowed me to talk to other gay men with similar problems but not only that but with gay men who wore diapers for their own pleasure. I was facinated and started to meet with some, talked on chat lines with them and finally found a partner who wanted to live with me in a diapered living style.

I eventually came out to family and friends about my problem and to be honest, I wish I had done it sooner for they were understanding and accepted the fact that I had to wear diapers. But my problem did not begin and end with bedwetting. I found that I was losing control during the day also and so now I wear 24/7. I am not ashamed nor am I hiding the fact that I wear. I do not flaunt it but if asked I no longer deny. Diapers are a part of my lifestyle now and my partner? Well it didn't last but that does not mean there is not someone out there wanting to share my diapered life.

So if you are a bedwetter, then do something about it. Gay or straight, it makes no difference, so get down to your drug store or pharmacy and buy a carton of diapers, or if you are still a little shy then use the internet and have them delivered in a plain cardboard box. Life can change to comfort if only you will give it a chance and a change in your thinking.


  1. Ich habe nie auf gehört ein Bettnässer zu sein! Mit jeden mal einmachen hat es mir mehr Spaß gemacht!

    1. Ich trage immer 24/7 und fühle mich nachts nicht sicher ohne Windeln und wasserdichte Hosen, wenn ich ins Bett gehe. Es ist mein Leben und ich akzeptiere und genieße sogar das sichere Gefühl.

  2. wearing diapers is better then soaking my bed and then having to sleep in it

    1. Hi, thanks for your interest in my blog. Diapers are nothing to be ashamed of; indeed they are a solution to a problem, and can be worn 24/7 without being detected if you take reasonable caution; such as wearing your pants slightly bigger and a shirt that is not tucked in. I wear diapers while working as well as when out with friends. Nobody has ever asked me if I am wearing a diaper, but I wouldn't care if they did anyway. It is my life now and I accept it.

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